Monday, September 19, 2005


How does Yahoo decide who is the face that will launch a thousand subsriptions? Because somebody had to pick this chick. I bet she doesn't even have a pesonals add on Yahoo anymore. If she does it is probably inundated with spam and marriage proposals from every idiot that thinks that he was the one who discovered her first.

Or maybe the same guy who sends 200-300 spams a day to my tahoo account will figure out that I don't want anything from his sites even if he is now offering Rolex watches as bait. I bet those are real!

Chicken and Fish Are Not Meat Anymore

I have enjoyed a vegetarian diet as a healthy choice for over ten years.  What has me perplexed is how many Americans say they don't eat meat, yet regularly consume chicken and fish, just no beef or pork.  This is not being a vegetarian.  This is avoiding beef and pork.  I would like to know when did "meat" mean only red-meat?  Apparently what ever rationale they have concocted only applies to cows and pigs.  Don't get me wrong, avoiding beef and pork is a healthy choice and many doctors and dieticians would agree with limiting if not eliminating them from anyone’s diet.  I guess it is not cache enough unless it has a healthy sounding name.  

Most people say "vegetarian" and mean "lacto ovo vegetarianism" which is not eating any animal products except eggs and diary.  What I like to call non-flesh eaters.

If people eat no animal products at all, then they are "Vegan".  Or what those pig and cow avoiders might call "hardcore vegetarians".  I make a point with these folks that are all vegetables all the time to bust them if they have any leather products on and comment that it is apparently OK to wear animal products just not eat them.

And finally we have the peak of all plant eaters (something the dinosaurs would be proud of) and that is the "Raw Foods Only" or Macrobiotic crowd that eschews eating only foods that have not been cooked.  These folks seem like complete wackos to me.  The only thing less appealing is licking the bottom of my lawnmower after a session in the backyard and washing it down with some pond water freshly dipped from my neighbor’s koi fishery.

As for the lowly french fries, which for the pig and cow people are not vegetables for some reason, I thought McDonalds stopped using the beef tallow in their cooking oil ten years ago when the fries stopped tasting so good?

NEWSFLASH:; Slackers Thinking of Joining the Cause

It is just that actually having to do something is so not who they are, and besides they are too busy to take on one more thing. Slacktivism...Activists on Slack, rebels without a cause...hellbent for nowhere!

I have got to love a word that is one of the core attitudes in my backyard. SoCal is full of self-important nobodies that are so busy planning their life of over-commitment that they can't really be bothered with any of the 'REAL' parts of charitable work or ever doing the "right thing".

Unlike activist who get behind a cause, slacktivist just talk about getting behind a cause. They may go as far as actually scheduling to plan a time to get behind the cause. It's too bad that the second most popular trait in SoCal is flaking on any agreed upon whatever.

Doesn't matter that much unless one mentions the flake to the flake the next you meet, for then the flake will be offended. I would even go as far as saying most flakes would attempt to shame you for point out their no-show by telling you about the new totally enraptured cause they are now behind and were so wrapped up in it that your two's get together was over looked.

Now I see that slacktivism does not overrule flakiness...It is just another mask to show other flakes how important you are feeling today.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Volkswagen: Contact VW

Volkswagen: Contact VW: "Where should I go to lodge a complaint about my dealer?
You can reach our Customer CARE Center at 1-800-822-8987, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in all continental U.S. time zones. A representative there can document your concerns and help you out."

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The dumbest anti-racism racist we had sir!

Ioan's reviews: "The Jewish Defense League []
Jewish Defence League member Dr. Baruch Goldstein murdered 29 Muslims as they were praying to God at the Cave of the Patriarchs. What a cowardly act! Also, doctors are supposed to defend lives, not take them. Apparently the J.D.L. are not familiar with the commandment: 'Thou shalt not kill'. They are as bad as the Neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan."

Last time I checked the jews as a religion were not into the 'Christian' concept of the 10 commandments. This dumbass from the Jewish Defense League doesn't even know who to hate...but it's gonna be someone. I think I'll throw in the Neo-Nazis (skinheads & white supremacist) and the Klan. I also think the Klan has some twisted idea that they are Christians too, so they should do that commandment thing too. Which is especially accented by the "T" on shalt...Thou shall not kill. Or how about Thout shout nout kilt, but that is a faggy Scottish skirt.

Either way some Jewish guy killed some one and since all blacks or Muslims or black-Muslims are innocent so let's trash those Jewish guys
