Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The dumbest anti-racism racist we had sir!

Ioan's reviews: "The Jewish Defense League [jdl.org.il]
Jewish Defence League member Dr. Baruch Goldstein murdered 29 Muslims as they were praying to God at the Cave of the Patriarchs. What a cowardly act! Also, doctors are supposed to defend lives, not take them. Apparently the J.D.L. are not familiar with the commandment: 'Thou shalt not kill'. They are as bad as the Neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan."

Last time I checked the jews as a religion were not into the 'Christian' concept of the 10 commandments. This dumbass from the Jewish Defense League doesn't even know who to hate...but it's gonna be someone. I think I'll throw in the Neo-Nazis (skinheads & white supremacist) and the Klan. I also think the Klan has some twisted idea that they are Christians too, so they should do that commandment thing too. Which is especially accented by the "T" on shalt...Thou shall not kill. Or how about Thout shout nout kilt, but that is a faggy Scottish skirt.

Either way some Jewish guy killed some one and since all blacks or Muslims or black-Muslims are innocent so let's trash those Jewish guys



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