Saturday, July 09, 2005

Wired News: BitTorrent Whiz Extolled Piracy?

Wired News: BitTorrent Whiz Extolled Piracy?: "BitTorrent programmer Bram Cohen may be in legal jeopardy after the discovery on Wednesday of an old agenda buried on his website saying he creates programs to 'commit digital piracy.'"

Its worse than being a presidential you can't even talk about something 2 years prior to writing a program and have to answer for it?

Mistake me if I am wrong but...shouldn't we go after the alcohol, gun and cigarette companies first?

Those fuckers have enough money to actually satisfy the greed of the entertain ment industry.

maybe the entertainment industry should learn a lesson from the american auto industry and remember when you product sucks while being an industry leader you go no where to go but down.


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